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Coaching Through Your Toughest Situations


Throughout an aviation career, it is not unusual to have a sticky situation which requires additional attention. Our skilled advisors are qualified to help you document and discuss these events with prospective employers using their years of experience in FAA pilot enforcement oversight, flight training supervision, corporate/airline flight operations, and pilot hiring.


Disclosing Past Events

We routinely work with clients who have experienced sensitive situations such as:

  • Employment terminations or resignations in lieu of termination
  • FAA enforcement actions (certificate suspension or revocation)
  • FAA administrative actions (letters of warning or correction)
  • FAA airman reexaminations (“709 ride”)
  • Aircraft accidents/incidents
  • Flight training deficiencies
  • Checkride/stage check failures
  • Traffic violations
  • Criminal convictions

We help identify potential events requiring disclosure, capture the facts, develop a truthful statement that may be included on an employment application, and assist you in answering interview questions about the incident. What may have once seemed like a problem area can become an example of honesty, transparency, and humility to an employer.


Personalized Guidance

While each situation is different, our advisors deliver perspective that is appropriate to your specific concern. Raven Career Development’s diverse leadership team can connect you with industry resources to resolve complex scenarios in the aviation industry.


Documentation and Scheduling

If your scenario involves any FAA airmen certification activities, such as an unsatisfactory oral or practical examination for any pilot certificate or rating (including type ratings), we encourage you to request your complete or partial airman record from AFB-720 (Airmen Certification Branch, formerly known as AFS-760 located in Oklahoma City) via FAA Form 8060-68. We would be happy to share more about this process during your one-on-one consultation.


Reference Checks

Concerned about what a previous employer or a job reference will say about you? We partner with a reference check service who will place calls on your behalf, so that you’ll know exactly what is being said about you. 

We provide you a written transcript of what was said by your past employer, and guidance on how to proceed if any legal lines have been crossed. We’ll give you the tools needed to de-escalate and remedy any situation that may be standing in the way between you and your dream career.

We will also do a reference checks on your references, so you can coach them on exactly what to say about you.  We’ll also offer guidance on how to select the best references to speak highly about you as you approach your next aviation job. 


FAA Pilot Records Database (PRD)

The FAA recently made the Pilot Records Database (PRD) available to ATP and Commercial Pilot certificate holders as well as participating Part 121 & 135 air carriers. This electronic records database, which will soon replace the manual Pilot Records Improvement Act (PRIA) process, provides verification of airman and medical certificates, summaries of legal enforcement actions, accidents/incident event summaries, employment history from pilot-submitted records, and notices of disapproval (unsatisfactory oral/practical tests) issued on or after August 1, 2010.

This information may be very helpful and more timely to obtain as you prepare for your career coaching session(s). ATP and Commercial Pilot certificate holders may register for the new platform by following the appropriate link on the FAA PRD webpage. Further information about the PRD can be obtained via FAA InFO 18005 and InFO 17019. If you experience any difficulties registering for the PRD, please let us help facilitate resolution with the staff at AFS-620 (Aviation Data Branch).

Get Started Today.