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Career Planning


At Raven Career Development, we work with clients across a variety of career transitions:

We work closely with Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard aviators throughout their transition to civilian life. Each military branch brings its own unique challenges to this process, and it’s our job to recognize and adapt to your challenges accordingly. Major transitions such as this can be overwhelming as you switch from an extremely structured to an extremely unstructured environment. Here are some of the common complications we help overcome:

  1. How far out should I start planning my transition to civilian life?
  2. How do I maximize my use of terminal leave?
  3. What do I need to know about setting up my ATP, Centerline Thrust removal, and/or Fixed Wing Transition courses?
  4. How do I take advantage of Military Competency (Mil Comp) for my FAA certificates?
  5. What if I’m on fence about choosing specific companies?

We cover these topics and much more throughout our military transition coaching sessions and group webinars. This shift that’s new to you, is well known to us, and you don’t have to walk the path alone. We have military aviators who have all successfully made the transition into airline and corporate life ready to support. They’re here to help you see and avoid all of the pitfalls while answering every one of your questions along the way.

Age 65 looked so much older when we were in our 20’s didn’t it! One day you’re Captain Big, the day after retirement, you’re just like all the other regular Joe’s. We spend our entire adult life fully preparing for the financial aspects of retirement and almost none of it preparing for the emotional reality. We don’t all work because we have to…some of us work because we want to.

Working hard, flying over credit, raising kids, saving up for their education, and building our nest egg is what we do. We’re not always known for taking time to smell the roses, and there is only so much golf we can play in a day. We get it, and we get you!

Here are some of the complications we help overcome:

  1. What does a post airline flying career look like?
  2. What’s the difference between a Part 91, 135, Fully Managed, and Charter
  3. Managed job? Which is right for me?
  4. What should I expect for scheduling, quality of life, and pay?
  5. Should I pay for my own type rating?
  6. Should I shoot for a full-time job or a contractor position?

You don’t have to walk this path alone and we’re here to help you put all of the pieces together. It’s our job to guide you through the cultural, type of flying, schedule, quality of life, and pay considerations that go into being a HAPPY post airline pilot. We’re there with you the whole time, guiding you towards achieving your goals, removing the blinders, and making sure you never get taken advantage of.

Sitting on the sidelines with a few thousand hours while other less experienced pilots pass you by can be frustrating. Asking yourself:

  1. What do I do? I don’t know if I want to be an airline pilot, but I can’t take having no schedule and the money is too good to pass up.
  2. Should I bite the bullet and go to the Regionals so I can make myself more competitive?
  3. Which airline is right for me? Should I be thinking about flow programs or Low Costs?
  4. Will they even look at me without any 121 time?
  5. Should I apply to everyone or only the one’s I’m sure I want to work for?

The transition from Corporate to Airlines can seem super awkward. Airlines have their own language and most outsiders don’t get it. With minimum guarantees, preferential bidding, duty rigs, trip rigs, junior manning, premium overtime, and trips for pay, figuring out the future is almost impossible without help. Now add in commuting, reserve, crash pads, and training considerations, and it’s almost like planning a mission to Mars.

That’s why we pair you with our pilots who’ve transitioned from corporate to the airlines. They’ll help you clearly understand your future and untangle the confusion. Here are some of the common complications we help overcome:

  1. Understanding the transition planning process
  2. Completing a thorough financial analysis of what this transition will look like
  3. And realistically and fully understanding your career expectations

A clear understanding of the risks and a planned roadmap is key to deciding if this transition is right for you. Come join our community and learn everything you need to know from knowledgeable and personable new-hire First Officer’s, mid seniority pilots, and retired International Captains alike.

Get Started Today.